I love to go deep. The superficial bores me.

Today I’m a woman who has experienced immeasurable joy and also come through the fire. I trust my intuition and do what feels right to me… in my body. I’m less concerned with what others think. Sometimes I change my mind. I can listen.

I’m a mother and a grandmother, I’m a sister and a friend. I’m a mentor.

I’m a Martha Beck Institute trained life coach. I’m a consultant with 20 years of experience. I’ve spent a long career, working with organizations, businesses and advocating for causes I believe in. I’ve raised a lot of money. I’ve marched in Washington a few times.

I’m an entrepreneur, who has been mostly self employed over the last 20 years. I know what it is to sell to eat. I’ve had to focus on the big picture and the details. I can be impatient.

I’m a woman who has spent a lifetime focused on creating connections first in my family which  extended to a large circle of friends and then into the community. Fostering connections is really all I’ve ever wanted to do.

I love gathering family and friends around my dining room table for good food & interesting conversation. We never rush.

I love dancing, ballroom, Latin & swing. It feeds my soul! Combined with a yoga practice, I can totally avoid the gym.

I love shoes. I love to dress up.  I love art and thrive on creative endeavors. I can get lost in a museum or sculpture garden.

I love books. I have them stacked up in piles. Its like a treasure trove, ready whenever I am.

I love my spiritual practice. It grounds me to myself, to the earth and to the Infinite Goodness of the Universe.

I love living in the garden spot of the East Coast, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where we take for granted the year-round availability of farm fresh food. Our small city boasts the longest continuously operating farmers market in the USA. You can meet and greet friends & neighbors on any Tuesday, Friday or Saturday morning at “Market”.

I love to travel. Just a train-ride from Philadelphia, I have the ability to easily travel to major cities in the US & Europe.

I love cities, especially Denver, Colorado & Amsterdam, The Netherlands… that’s where my heart lives, because that’s where my children and grandchildren live.

I love my kids. I love my cats Middie and Amari.

I love to come home.


Testimonial …wonderful to work with.

A Wonderful Testimonial:

Barbara was wonderful to work with. More important, her work with us immediately translated into more fundraising dollars. Her recommendations paid for themselves in a few short months, even before we had fully implemented our new fundraising strategies. Barbara brings amazing analytical skills, strong intuition, and a boat load of experience and wisdom.

Ken Harrison
Chief Operating Officer – Excentia

Extensive knowledge…

After our merger, we were able to merge two development and marketing departments. With Barbara, we focused on staff responsibilities, volunteer committee structure, event planning and combining our donor databases. Her extensive knowledge and background in development was a great asset to our success.

Karen M. Fitzgerald
Director of Development & Marketing – Excentia

Structure and guidance…

Thank you, Barbara Gallen, for providing us with the structure and guidance for how to launch our first major appeal. Thanks to you, we raised more money than ever before!

Amanda Kemp
Artistic Director – Theatre for Transformation

…enlightening and inspiring

“Participating in the MasterMind Group with Barbara has been enlightening and inspiring to me both personally and professionally.  Through the accountability of monthly check-ins, I’ve recognized that I am better able to make small goals and take realistic steps toward achieving them.  Barbara’s guidance through different exercises helps illumine the inner blocks that prevent me from taking that next step.  This group has truly been a gift.”

Megan M.

A Powerhouse…

“Barbara is a powerhouse.  She is a mover and a shaker – From the office, to the dance floor, in any group…. generously showering her helpful (and hard won) guidance upon all who need or request it – along with the ability to make things happen.

Barbara brings a level of organization, focus, determination and can do attitude – all wrapped up in a safe space of friendly interaction.   Her wisdom is deep and far- reaching.”

Mary G.