I love to go deep. The superficial bores me.
Today I’m a woman who has experienced immeasurable joy and also come through the fire. I trust my intuition and do what feels right to me… in my body. I’m less concerned with what others think. Sometimes I change my mind. I can listen.
I’m a mother and a grandmother, I’m a sister and a friend. I’m a mentor.
I’m a Martha Beck Institute trained life coach. I’m a consultant with 20 years of experience. I’ve spent a long career, working with organizations, businesses and advocating for causes I believe in. I’ve raised a lot of money. I’ve marched in Washington a few times.
I’m an entrepreneur, who has been mostly self employed over the last 20 years. I know what it is to sell to eat. I’ve had to focus on the big picture and the details. I can be impatient.
I’m a woman who has spent a lifetime focused on creating connections first in my family which extended to a large circle of friends and then into the community. Fostering connections is really all I’ve ever wanted to do.
I love gathering family and friends around my dining room table for good food & interesting conversation. We never rush.
I love dancing, ballroom, Latin & swing. It feeds my soul! Combined with a yoga practice, I can totally avoid the gym.
I love shoes. I love to dress up. I love art and thrive on creative endeavors. I can get lost in a museum or sculpture garden.
I love books. I have them stacked up in piles. Its like a treasure trove, ready whenever I am.
I love my spiritual practice. It grounds me to myself, to the earth and to the Infinite Goodness of the Universe.
I love living in the garden spot of the East Coast, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where we take for granted the year-round availability of farm fresh food. Our small city boasts the longest continuously operating farmers market in the USA. You can meet and greet friends & neighbors on any Tuesday, Friday or Saturday morning at “Market”.
I love to travel. Just a train-ride from Philadelphia, I have the ability to easily travel to major cities in the US & Europe.
I love cities, especially Denver, Colorado & Amsterdam, The Netherlands… that’s where my heart lives, because that’s where my children and grandchildren live.
I love my kids. I love my cats Middie and Amari.
I love to come home.